7 Impactful Commercial Snow and Ice Management Tips for a Safer Winter

As the temperature drops and the holiday season approaches, it’s easy to put lawn care on the back burner. However, maintaining your landscape during the winter is essential for ensuring it bounces back in the spring. At Westside Professional Landscape, we understand the importance of year-round lawn care and are here to offer you valuable tips to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful this winter. Plus, don’t forget, we also provide top-notch commercial snow and ice management services to keep your business grounds safe and accessible.

  1. Clear Your Lawn of Debris:

Before the snow arrives, make sure your lawn is clear of leaves, branches, and any debris that could smother the grass. Debris can lead to mold and other issues during the winter months. Our experts can assist with a thorough clean-up.

  1. Aerate Your Soil:

Aerating your lawn in late fall or early winter can help improve root growth and ensure your grass receives essential nutrients. Westside Professional Landscape offers professional aeration services to give your lawn the best chance of thriving come spring.

  1. Fertilize for Winter Resilience:

Winterize your lawn with a slow-release, high-nitrogen fertilizer. This will help your grass resist winter diseases and promote healthy growth. We can recommend the best fertilization schedule for your specific lawn needs.

  1. Keep Off Frozen Grass:

Walking or driving on frozen grass can cause damage to the blades and soil beneath. This is where our commercial snow and ice management services come in. We’ll clear your walkways and parking lots promptly, protecting your lawn from damage.

  1. Prune Your Trees and Shrubs:

Pruning your trees and shrubs in winter can help improve air circulation and reduce the risk of falling branches under the weight of snow or ice. Our experienced team can take care of this essential task for you.

  1. Monitor Moisture Levels:

Proper moisture management is crucial. Too much water can lead to mold and rot, while too little can cause dehydration. We can help you find the right balance for your lawn’s unique requirements.

  1. Protect Your Plants:

To protect your shrubs and young trees from heavy snow, wrap them with burlap or use tree guards. Westside Professional Landscape can assist in safeguarding your valuable plants.

Winter lawn care is an investment in the future health and beauty of your landscape.

At Westside Professional Landscape, we offer a range of services to ensure your lawn thrives, even during the harshest winter months. 

Our commitment to excellence extends to our commercial snow and ice management services, which keep your business safe and accessible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you care for your lawn this winter and throughout the year.

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